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TIME TO APE last won the day on April 26 2024

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  1. Welcome back lad
  2. welcome back big man
  3. whalecum
  4. gl lad
  5. welcome lad
  6. welcome lad
  7. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. TIME TO APE What is your current RS name? TIME TO APE List any previous RS names: FOUND UR IP YoinkySpoink Corona Joe SO MANY APES Kinda Bussin What is your total level and combat level? https://imgur.com/a/EJ0Z6NE What Timezone are you in? Irish standard time (GMT+1) Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started playing years back probably since 2010 on and off, only recently coming back after a long break. Like to pk (will have to train my hands again as I haven't played rs in like a year at this point) and PVM in (very) small quantities. A lot of the older guys here probably remember me from before like Shooter and Ghost and quite a few more. Tell us about your clan history. WG mainly, took a period of time in SV years ago, and since then was in WG on and off as had a lot of IRL stuff going on and became less interested in the game. Dont really know anyone from SV anymore as haven't talked to them in years. Tell us about your yourself. Mid 20's , still working in the cybersecurity industry but went part-time while I try to shift to Offensive Security through a lot of studying. Still a big fan of brewing/making various alcohol, and a big fan of cooking also. How did you hear about us? I heard Ghost was looking for me What makes you want to join us? I guess you never really quit Runescape, just take breaks. I have an interest in the game again and would like to do some of the new content as I haven't played in forever. Won't be available for the ridiculously long and late-night PK sessions I used to do but I at least have a reasonable few hours to play each day, especially on weekends. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Nothing really I'm hiding at this point that I never mentioned in previous membership applications, I guess that I bought gold in the past? I also once killed Tilburg with just a granite maul while I was running bones at the chaos altar when he logged in with mystics, he's never been the same since.
  8. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Kinda Bussin What is your current RS name? Kinda Bussin List any previous RS names: FOUND UR IP SO MANY APES YoinkySpoink Corona Joe What is your total level and combat level? Combat is 126 Exactly 2k Total Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started playing years back probably since 2010 on and off, only recently coming back after a long break. Mostly like to pk, pvm sends me to sleep, as does skilling(only got 2k for 2k worlds). Few of you may know me from before under various names aswell. Mainly took breaks and such due to the state of pking and removal of areas such as rev caves that were hype. Tell us about your clan history. Was a member of WG in the past on and off between breaks. Most recent clan was SV which I was again on and off with breaks/work and such. Just wanna clarify I dont have anything to do with SV anymore in regards to clanning, I have a few friends and such from there but am not a member/listed as retired. Tell us about your yourself. Not too much to say here as don't like to give out too much info- In my 20's and work in IT industry. In terms of IRL activity, big fan of beer and am learning BSL currently (British Sign Language) How did you hear about us? Used to be a member, the homies wanted me to come back. What makes you want to join us? Good vibes in the clan, alot of friends from before still here aswell and good banter. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Didn't leave on the best terms when I last left the clan a while ago, hope we can look past this.
  9. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-C24RG50-24inch-Curved-Monitor/dp/B07PFJH2YX/ref=sr_1_21?dchild=1&keywords=samsung+monitor&qid=1589294878&s=electronics&sr=1-21 For a 144hz, for the other I have a benq ZOWIE 24 inch, really good moniitor aswell but obv not 144hz unless you want two 144hz, i dont really see the point though
  10. Start practicing at lms to become a tribridding god and take over the wild
  11. Welcome
  12. welcome dude
  13. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. YoinkySpoink What is your current RS name? YoinkySpoink List any previous RS names: Electrobyte What is your total level and combat level? Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Account is a few years old now but took a break as I had to focus on RL stuff. Recently sorted some stuff out and ready to join back into the CC. Been training my combat since I was last here ,started to miss pking with the boys and decided to get back into it. Hope the pk trips are going well, happy to lend my assistance. Tell us about your clan history. Hey dudes, im back Joined WG back in Late November, had to take a break late January I believe as numerous RL things came up and left. Back now after sorting some stuff out. Cant wait to be back out pking with the boys. Before WG no real clan history, just messing around with friends. Working on tribridding also. in LMS when I have the time. Mainly coming back for the banter and missing the clan as a whole Tell us about your yourself. 22 years old, love to make homebrew liqour/mead (atleast half legally), work in IT, play numerous games like Dying light, Tarkov, but RS is my original and favorite game. How did you hear about us? Used to be a member a few months ago, originally I think I got clapped by the boys way back in rev caves What makes you want to join us? As mentioned above, as a former member I miss the community and the homies. Want to get back into Pking as i really miss it currently. Also have alot of friends here, and miss the banter. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Retired Staker BTW

    [Accepted] LS2K

    Welcome dude, best of luck
  15. nutty gz bro
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